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This Digital course took the "bits" of knowledge that I thought…

This course brought a lot of it together and filled many holes.

Excellent Seminar! Great balance of demo, presentation and hands-on. I…

Never have so few done so much for so many!

Pat and Brenda, Never have so few done so much for so many! Truly…

"If I only take one seminar, make it SynAudCon."

This is the best/most helpful seminar that I have attended. Pat's…

Pat is an excellent teacher

Pat is an excellent teacher. He takes information that can put…

Extending the Life of Soldering Iron Tips

By Ray Rayburn - A question from the Email Discussion Group. “Is…

Microphone Mythbusters Vol #3: Microphone Feedback

By Gino Sigismondi - Shure Corporation Gino Sigismondi addresses…

Post Module 3

and one last test of the middle modules using posts to fill …

Home Module 2

this is another test of this area

Home Module 1

This a test of this area....