Why 8 Ohms?
Anyone who has messed with audio gear of any kind has run…
“If Bad Sound Were Fatal…” – Systematic Sound System Evaluation
Most listeners can detect "bad sound." Don Davis famously…
Frequency Response Matching – Part 2
By Pat Brown
This article answers the question: If I match the…
Frequency Response Matching – Should This be Part of the System Tuning Process?
by Pat Brown
"Frequency response matching" is a popular endeavor…
One System, Three Voltages – Make Sense?
by Pat Brown
Pat Brown clears up a confusing topic in a visual…
When the Volume Knob Goes to the Right
by Hadi Sumoro www.HXAudiolab.com
In this article, Hadi…
Idealized Models Help Us Understand Real-World Audio and Acoustic Concepts
Theoretical objects and concepts serve as references for understanding the physical world and real-world audio and acoustic concepts.
Two Amplifier Channels, One Loudspeaker
Updated March 2020
The most popular form factor for audio power…