SynAudCon Announces Upcoming In-Person Training Seminars

Greenville, IN – February, 2012 – Synergetic Audio Concepts (SynAudCon) has released their in-person seminar schedule for the first half of 2012. SynAudCon is renowned for their real world audio educational offerings through web-based and in-person training offered worldwide.

SynAudCon will offer the three-day “Sound Reinforcement for Technicians” (SRT) in Atlanta, Georgia, from March 19-21 and in Dallas, Texas from April 2-4. SRT includes hands-on exercises which allow attendees to use a tool kit (that includes meters and other items that are needed) to test and troubleshoot systems. The class also goes into detail on how to use modern dual-channel FFT measurement platforms. On day three, SRT demonstrates the setup of a 3-way triamped loudspeaker, including polarity testing, equalization, crossover selection and signal alignment.

“SynAudCon Digital” will be presented at the InfoComm show in Las Vegas from June 9-11. The three-day seminar is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to digital audio, digital signal processing and networking. The seminar staff is a team composed of Pat Brown, Steve Macatee and Bradford Benn. The three of them form a tag-team approach to present SynAudCon Digital in a visually effective way. Together they make learning digital audio fast, friendly and fun. The instructors not only have the theoretical grounding but also have applied these concepts in the field, which allows them share theory and real world experiences with attendees.

SynAudCon Digital topics include the digital audio signal, digital audio formats, data compression, digital signal processing, instrumentation and troubleshooting, digital audio networks, Ethernet and proprietary networks. Day Three is spent constructing a local area network, with each attendee encouraged to bring a notebook PC with a network interface card for the exercises.