Room Survey 09 – Church of Santi Luca and Martina

Location: Rome, IT

Investigator: Francesco Martellotta, Politecnico di Bari, Bengt-Inge Dalenback

Description:  The RIR was measured in a Baroque church with a greek-cross plan with a dome on the crossing. The room volume is about 9000 m³, and the floor area is 470 m². Most of the surfaces are finished in plaster and richly decorated. Some of the windows were covered with velvet curtains. The dodec loudspeaker was placed in front of the altar, at the edge of the chancel area. The microphone was placed perfectly at the center of the church, under the dome.

File Type: Multiple

Loudspeaker: Dodecahedron

Microphone: Soundfield Mk-V (W X Y Z – B-format)

Recorder: Cool Edit Pro Lite

Source: 20 sec Log Sweep

IR Extraction: Matlab

Room Data: Room Impulse Responses    (The impulse responses are for personal or educational use only.)