Pat’s Measurement Glossary
By Pat Brown
Pat Brown put together a glossary for the audio…
What the audio engineer can do about improving speech intelligibility for non-native listeners
by Sander Van Wijngaarden
This article focuses on ways an audio…
Earbud Impedance Curves
by Ray Rayburn
In this article, Ray Rayburn documented measured…
Remote-Controlled Program Source
by Pat Brown
Remote-Controlled Program Source - Pat Brown presents…
High Voltage Audio Measurements
by Pat Brown
A voltmeter used for audio work should…
A Mate for the Euroblock
by Pat Brown
A useful connector that can be used with the Euroblock…
Effective Listening Tests
by Pat Brown
The human ear/brain system remains one of the best…
Wireless Presentations using an iPad
by Pat Brown
Pat Brown shows how an iPad can provide wireless…
TED – Julian Treasure "Design for our ears"
TED - Julian Treasure sounds a call to action for designers to…
Assessing Needs For Sound Systems
By Richard Honeycutt
In this article, Richard Honeycutt addresses…