SynAudCon Announces Upcoming In-Person Training Seminars

Greenville, IN – February, 2012 – Synergetic Audio Concepts…

Brenda Wraps Up 2011

Another year is soon coming to an end.  Pat and I have been…

SynAudCon Announces New Web-Based Training Course – Transformer-Distributed Loudspeaker Systems

SynAudCon Offers New Web-Based Training: "Transformer-Distributed…

Special Interview with Don Davis

At InfoComm 2010, Don and Carolyn Davis, along with George…

SynAudCon Debuts “Level 50: How Sound Systems Work” Web-Based Audio Training

SynAudCon recently announced the addition of “Level 50: How…

SynAudCon Launches New Online Classifieds Section

SynAudCon, an industry leading organization in audio education,…

SynAudCon Web-Based Training Demo And Self-Evaluation Quizzes Now Available

SynAudCon, an industry leading organization in audio education,…

SynAudCon Founders Honored With Adele De Berri Pioneers of AV Award

Greenville, IN – June, 2010 – Syn-Aud-Con founders Don and Carolyn Davis have been issued the Adele De Berri Pioneers of AV Award from InfoComm International. The award was presented at the ribbon-cutting ceremony at InfoComm 2010, recently held in Las Vegas.

World-renowned audio education specialists bring training to the end user

In 2001 I was led to pursue a church technical director position, and one of the things that I realized going into a technically sophisticated facility was my woeful lack of expertise. I knew what to do in the smaller room in which I learned to mix. But I didn’t necessarily know why I was doing what I did.